Milk caramel, red apple

Beans About the beans and origin

Type: Single Origin

Notes: Milk caramel, red apple
Country: Peru
Region: Amazonas
Farm: Multiple producers
Process: Water process decaf
Altitude: 1200m - 1800m
Cupping score: 86

Brew Proposed ratios and techniques

Drip 1:16
Espresso 1:2 in 28 seconds

Delivery Delivery details

An order received before Monday 9 a.m. is delivered on Wednesday.

An order received before Wednesday noon is delivered on Friday.

We deliver by electric car twice a week in Montreal, on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Escape pays delivery fees for all orders over $300 in Montreal, $400 in the rest of Quebec, and $500 in Canada.

Sunset Sipper - Decaf


We’ve been fooled!

Are you a fan of coffee, but you and caffeine just don't mix well? Everyone at Escape got duped by this coffee when we cupped it beside 20 other decafs when looking for our next Sunset Sipper’s crop. The sweetness, texture and fruity accents will surprise you. Try it with your friends and see if they notice! At Escape, we enjoy giving you the best flavours to discover, even when it's a decaf.

Our Sunset Sipper at the moment is from Peru and no matter how you like to prepare your coffee, filter or espresso, it is one of the best Peruvian coffees you will have this year.

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Sunset Sipper - Decaf



Price paid to Royal Coffee: US$4.41/lb
C-market at time of purchase: US$1.90/lb
Fairtrade at time of purchase: US$2.00/lb
Quantity purchased 2023-2024 : 5916 lbs
Years of relationship: 3 years

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